Introduction to deep learning, invited lecture at ESI Bilbao (UPV/EHU)
I will be giving an introductory talk to deep learning next Thursday, June 1st 2017, as part of the workshop on deep learning that we are organizing at tecnalia.
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We just got a new paper published in next June’s issue of the Computers and Electronics in Agriculture journal! This paper is the first result of our collaboration with BASF on the detection of diseases in crops by means of mobile imaging devices.
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Our colleague at Tecnalia’s computer vision group, Estibaliz Garrote, shares a post on the deep learning revolution on Tecnalia’s Inspiring Blog:
Tecnalia’s surface inspection system for hot long metal products SURFIN is migrating to a deep learning-based solution using Convolutional Neural Networks, and the December 2016 issue of Vision Systems Design includes an article on it with some design and performance details.
I have been officially admitted as PhD student at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I will be joining Computer Vision Center’s LAMP (Learning And Machine Perception) team under the supervision of Joost van de Weijer to work on deep learning.