This is Aitor Alvarez-Gila’s personal webpage.
I am a senior researcher at Tecnalia’s Computer Vision Group. My main research interests are deep learning and other machine learning / computer vision models for image understanding, computational color and spectral imaging. I have been building stuff that works based on these and other techniques (3D reconstruction, image enhancement for adverse weather, radiometry, etc.) since 2010 for biomedical, steelmaking, agro and packaging industries, among others.
Since 2016, I am also a PhD candidate in deep learning at Computer Vision Center’s LAMP (Learning And Machine Perception) team, in Barcelona.
Prior to that, I completed the Erasmus Mundus CIMET Master (Color in Informatics and Media Technology) in color science and computer vision and made research stays at the Universities of Granada (ES), Saint-Etienne (FR), Gjøvik (NO) and Amsterdam (NL) from 2008 until 2010.
In past lives, I’ve also been a consultant in a dark suit working for multinational financial companies and public administration.
Even before that, I did some research on network security at the University of the Basque Country, where I first graduated as Telecommunications Engineer (2005).